Source code for narrow_down.scylladb

"""Storage backend based on ScyllaDB.

ScyllaDB is a low-latency distributed key-value store, compatible with the Apache Cassandra
protocol. For details see _``.
import asyncio
import contextlib
import random
import re
from typing import Dict, Iterable, List, Optional, Union

import cassandra.cluster  # type: ignore
import cassandra.query  # type: ignore

from import StorageBackend


def _wrap_future(f: cassandra.cluster.ResponseFuture):
    """Wrap a cassandra Future into an asyncio.Future object.

    Based on

        f: future to wrap

        And asyncio.Future object which can be awaited.
    loop = asyncio.get_event_loop()
    aio_future = loop.create_future()

    def on_result(result):
        loop.call_soon_threadsafe(aio_future.set_result, result)

    def on_error(exception, *_):
        loop.call_soon_threadsafe(aio_future.set_exception, exception)

    return aio_future

[docs]class ScyllaDBStore(StorageBackend): """Storage backend for a SimilarityStore using ScyllaDB."""
[docs] def __init__( self, cluster_or_session: Union[cassandra.cluster.Cluster, cassandra.cluster.Session], keyspace: str, table_prefix: Optional[str] = None, ) -> None: """Create a new empty or connect to an existing SQLite database. Args: cluster_or_session: Can be a cassandra cluster or a session object. keyspace: Name of the keyspace to use. table_prefix: A prefix to use for all table names in the database. Raises: ValueError: When the keyspace name is invalid. """ if not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", keyspace): raise ValueError(f"Invalid keyspace name: {keyspace}") if table_prefix and not re.match(r"^[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z0-9_]*$", table_prefix): raise ValueError(f"Invalid table_prefix: {table_prefix}") if isinstance(cluster_or_session, cassandra.cluster.Cluster): self._scylla_cluster = cluster_or_session self._scylla_session = None else: self._scylla_cluster = None self._scylla_session = cluster_or_session self._keyspace = keyspace self._table_prefix = table_prefix or "" self._prepared_statements: Dict[str, cassandra.query.PreparedStatement] = {}
@contextlib.contextmanager def _session(self) -> cassandra.cluster.Session: """Get or create a cassandra session.""" if (not self._scylla_session) and self._scylla_cluster: self._scylla_session = self._scylla_cluster.connect() yield self._scylla_session async def _execute(self, session, query, parameters=None, timeout=None): """Execute a cassandra query with asyncio.""" return await _wrap_future( session.execute_async( query=query, parameters=parameters, timeout=timeout or cassandra.cluster._NOT_SET, # pylint: disable=protected-access ) )
[docs] async def initialize( self, ) -> "ScyllaDBStore": """Initialize the tables in the SQLite database file. Returns: self """ # Note: CQL does not know unsigned integers. # So we need to take the 64bit (signed) bigint to hold a 32bit unsigned int safely. create_settings = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}settings (" " key TEXT, " " value TEXT, " " PRIMARY KEY(key)" ");", is_idempotent=True, ) create_documents = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}documents (" " id bigint, " " doc blob, " " PRIMARY KEY(id)" ");", is_idempotent=True, ) create_buckets = cassandra.query.SimpleStatement( f"CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}buckets (" " bucket bigint, " " hash bigint, " " doc_id bigint, " " PRIMARY KEY((bucket, hash), doc_id)" ");", is_idempotent=True, ) with self._session() as session: await self._execute(session, create_settings, timeout=30) await self._execute(session, create_documents, timeout=30) await self._execute(session, create_buckets, timeout=30) self._prepared_statements["set_setting"] = session.prepare( f"INSERT INTO {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}" "settings(key,value) VALUES (?,?);" ) self._prepared_statements["get_setting"] = session.prepare( f"SELECT value FROM {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}settings WHERE key=?;" ) self._prepared_statements["set_doc"] = session.prepare( f"INSERT INTO {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}documents(id,doc) VALUES (?,?);" ) self._prepared_statements["set_doc_checked"] = session.prepare( f"INSERT INTO {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}" "documents(id,doc) VALUES (?,?) IF NOT EXISTS;" ) self._prepared_statements["get_doc"] = session.prepare( f"SELECT doc FROM {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}documents WHERE id=?;" ) self._prepared_statements["del_doc"] = session.prepare( f"DELETE FROM {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}documents WHERE id=?;" ) self._prepared_statements["add_doc_to_bucket"] = session.prepare( f"INSERT INTO {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}" "buckets(bucket,hash,doc_id) VALUES (?,?,?);" ) self._prepared_statements["get_docs_from_bucket"] = session.prepare( f"SELECT doc_id FROM {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}" "buckets WHERE bucket=? AND hash=?;" ) self._prepared_statements["del_doc_from_bucket"] = session.prepare( f"DELETE FROM {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}" "buckets WHERE bucket=? AND hash=? AND doc_id=?;" ) for statement in self._prepared_statements.values(): statement.is_idempotent = True return self
[docs] async def insert_setting(self, key: str, value: str): """Store a setting as key-value pair.""" with self._session() as session: await self._execute(session, self._prepared_statements["set_setting"], (key, value))
[docs] async def query_setting(self, key: str) -> Optional[str]: """Query a setting with the given key. Args: key: The identifier of the setting Returns: A string with the value. If the key does not exist or the storage is uninitialized None is returned. Raises: cassandra.DriverException: In case the database query fails for any reason. """ # pylint: disable=missing-raises-doc with self._session() as session: try: result_list = await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["get_setting"], (key,) ) return None if not result_list else result_list[0].value except KeyError as e: if "get_setting" in e.args: return None raise # Don't swallow unknown errors
[docs] async def insert_document(self, document: bytes, document_id: Optional[int] = None) -> int: """Add the data of a document to the storage and return its ID.""" with self._session() as session: if document_id: await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["set_doc"], (document_id, document), ) return document_id else: for _ in range(10): doc_id = random.randint(a=0, b=2**32) # noqa=S311 result = await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["set_doc_checked"], (doc_id, document), ) inserted_successfully = result[0].applied if ( inserted_successfully or result[0].id == doc_id and result[0].doc == document ): return doc_id raise RuntimeError("Unable to find an ID for a document. This should never happen.")
[docs] async def query_document(self, document_id: int) -> bytes: """Get the data belonging to a document. Args: document_id: The id of the document. This ID is created and returned by the `insert_document` method. Returns: The document stored under the key `document_id` as bytes object. Raises: KeyError: If the document is not stored. """ with self._session() as session: docs = await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["get_doc"], (document_id,) ) if not docs: raise KeyError(f"No document with id {document_id}") return docs[0].doc
[docs] async def query_documents(self, document_ids: List[int]) -> List[bytes]: """Get the data belonging to multiple documents. Args: document_ids: Key under which the data is stored. Returns: The documents stored under the key `document_id` as bytes object. Raises: KeyError: If no document was found for at least one of the ids. """ if len(document_ids) > QUERY_BATCH_SIZE: with self._session() as session: result_doc_dicts = await asyncio.gather( *[ self._query_document_batch(session, document_ids[i : i + QUERY_BATCH_SIZE]) for i in range(0, len(document_ids), QUERY_BATCH_SIZE) ] ) doc_dicts = {id_: doc for d in result_doc_dicts for id_, doc in d.items()} return [doc_dicts[i] for i in document_ids] else: docs: List[bytes] = await asyncio.gather( *[self.query_document(id_) for id_ in document_ids] ) return docs
async def _query_document_batch(self, session, doc_id_batch): doc_ids_str = ",".join(map(str, map(int, doc_id_batch))) query = ( f"select id, doc from {self._keyspace}.{self._table_prefix}documents " f"where id IN ({doc_ids_str});" ) result_docs = { r.doc for r in await self._execute(session, query)} return result_docs
[docs] async def remove_document(self, document_id: int): """Remove a document given by ID from the list of documents.""" with self._session() as session: await self._execute(session, self._prepared_statements["del_doc"], (document_id,))
[docs] async def add_document_to_bucket(self, bucket_id: int, document_hash: int, document_id: int): """Link a document to a bucket.""" with self._session() as session: await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["add_doc_to_bucket"], (bucket_id, document_hash, document_id), )
[docs] async def query_ids_from_bucket(self, bucket_id, document_hash: int) -> Iterable[int]: """Get all document IDs stored in a bucket for a certain hash value.""" with self._session() as session: rows = await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["get_docs_from_bucket"], (bucket_id, document_hash), ) return [r.doc_id for r in rows]
[docs] async def remove_id_from_bucket(self, bucket_id: int, document_hash: int, document_id: int): """Remove a document from a bucket.""" with self._session() as session: await self._execute( session, self._prepared_statements["del_doc_from_bucket"], (bucket_id, document_hash, document_id), )