

Access PostgreSQL databases using psycopg3.


dframeio.postgres.PostgresBackend(conninfo=None, autocommit=True)

Backend to read and write PostgreSQL tables

  • conninfo (str, optional) Connection string in libq format. See the PostgreSQL docs for details.
  • TypeError If any of the input arguments has a diffent type as documented
  • ValueError If any of the input arguments are outside of the documented value ranges or if conflicting arguments are given.
  • read_to_dict(source, columns, row_filter, limit, sample, drop_duplicates) (dict(str: )) Read data into a dict of named columns</>
  • read_to_pandas(source, columns, row_filter, limit, sample, drop_duplicates) (DataFrame) Read a postgres table into a pandas DataFrame</>
  • write_append(target, dataframe) Write data in append-mode to a Postgres table</>
  • write_replace(target, dataframe) Write data to a Postgres table after deleting all the existing content</>

read_to_pandas(source, columns=None, row_filter=None, limit=-1, sample=-1, drop_duplicates=False)

Read a postgres table into a pandas DataFrame

  • source (str) The table name (may include a database name)
  • columns (list of str, optional) List of column names to limit the reading to
  • row_filter (str, optional) Filter expression for selecting rows
  • limit (int, optional) Maximum number of rows to return (limit to first n rows)
  • sample (int, optional) Size of a random sample to return
  • drop_duplicates (bool, optional) Whether to drop duplicate rows from the final selection
Returns (DataFrame)

A pandas DataFrame with the requested data.

  • ValueError If path specified with source is outside of the base path

The logic of the filtering arguments is as documented for read_to_pandas().


read_to_dict(source, columns=None, row_filter=None, limit=-1, sample=-1, drop_duplicates=False)

Read data into a dict of named columns

  • source (str) A string specifying the data source (format differs by backend)
  • columns (list of str, optional) List of column names to limit the reading to
  • row_filter (str, optional) NOT IMPLEMENTED. Reserved keyword for filtering rows.
  • limit (int, optional) Maximum number of rows to return (top-n)
  • sample (int, optional) Size of a random sample to return
  • drop_duplicates (bool, optional) Whether to drop duplicate rows
Returns (dict(str: ))

A dictionary with column names as key and a list with column values as values

The logic of the filtering arguments is as documented for read_to_pandas().


write_replace(target, dataframe)

Write data to a Postgres table after deleting all the existing content

  • target (str) The database table to write to.
  • dataframe (Union(dataframe, dict(str: ))) The data to write as pandas.DataFrame or as a Python dictionary in the format column_name: [column_data]
  • TypeError When the dataframe is neither a pandas.DataFrame nor a dictionary

write_append(target, dataframe)

Write data in append-mode to a Postgres table

  • target (str) The database table to write to.
  • dataframe (Union(dataframe, dict(str: ))) The data to write as pandas.DataFrame or as a Python dictionary in the format column_name: [column_data]
  • TypeError When the dataframe is neither a pandas.DataFrame nor a dictionary